Through this first chapter, we acquire new ways of teaching and learning English. In fact, by using CALL the process of teaching and learning had become faster and easier. This chapter had exposed us on different applications and websites that can be used in language learning. Some of the websites are really helpful and interactive which intrigue and help us in understanding clearly on how CALL can actually and had been a great help in improving language learning.

            This made us realized that through out our years in IIUM, we actually depend a lot on CALL in finishing our assignments. We actually managed to expand our knowledge with resources from all over the world by using computer. Hence, this opportunity must not be taken lightly. As with all this accommodation in acquiring knowledge, we must actually use it for the benefits of our ummah and ourselves. This chapter made us realized that CALL is actually a great help in improving our language if it is used correctly.

            Before being exposed to this chapter, we might have been exposed to computers. However, CALL gave us a fresh perspective on helping us improving our language by using computer in the most effective ways. We have been bombarded with a lot of wonderful and interactive websites that could actually improve our interest in language and help us practice language the right way.

            Another wonderful knowledge that we've gained through this first chapter is how to use CALL in educating others. Being a BENL student, it is actually our biggest responsibility to educate others in improving and mastering their English. The traditional way might have become less efficient as the students are embarking a new era. The era of technology. Hence, it is our responsibilities to guide them in learning language by using the right websites and applications.
            Not only that, as a Muslim, this is our chance to inculcate and add Islamic values in our CALL lessons. By doing so, we are actually utilizing the computer to its whole potential and shaping our future generations through a new medium of teaching.  We might have been gifted with a tool in language learning, however language also shaped our behavior and our cognition. Hence, it is important for us to understand this major responsibility and use this medium the right way.
            In short, it is amazing how the first lesson had opened our mind and broadened our perspective about life and made us realized how helpful and effective a computer can be in improving our language and values as well as educating others. 

May all of us benefited from today's lesson.
Date: 5th February 2014
Day: Wednesday

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