Saturday 3 May 2014



This blog had helped me in reflect on every chapter I've learned. Through reflection, I feel that it promotes the free flow of expressing oneself and understanding the true meaning of certain subjects. I certainly hope that this blog will help others too. Now, every chapter that we've learned is not a mere chapter but the significance of this subject could be applied to our life as a Muslims.

This blog also helped us in strengthening our group bond as after every chapter we will sit together and discuss on what we have understood and gained in that particular chapter. This blog has helped us in expressing opinions and it also help us in being patience as to reflect and ponder might take time and requires commitment from each and every members. This blogs also teaches us to work together efficiently as a group and not individually. I realised that this is the same setting that I'll face in my career phase, hence the experience of working in a group will help a lot in the future.

Not only that it helps me in improving myself, I am also inspired to help others after spending time in pouring all the information needed for a student to master morphology by using CALL. I believe that this blog can help students in understanding Morphology better by reading our research in corpus linguistic that touched on the usage of reductions. In fact, teachers can also benefited from this blog as we had posted lesson plan on how to teach speaking skills using CALL. 

Blog is all about sharing, and this blog had made me experience the true feeling of happiness in sharing our knowledge with others. This blog has helped us so much in understanding Morphology more. Not only that, our knowledge about Islam grows together as we were required to reflect on each assignment that we were given. I believe that students should use blog as a medium to grow together with friends with the same passion and interest they are in.

As a Muslim, this blog had made me realised that this is one of the medium where a person can became a dai'e and also a helper to others. Whenever knowledge is shared, all of us can improve together. I really hope that this blog will benefit a lot of other students and friends that had spent time reading it.

This also shows that we as Muslim can be a dynamic Muslim where we find new ways in doing da'wah and spreading goodness to others.


After the completion of this blog, indeed I would say I have learned so many things. They are inclined towards the matters that are related to time itself, you and your group members’ contributions and participations towards the works given, and the solutions on how to handle conflicts. As for the works assigned and by having the necessity to do the reflection on each lesson learned in class and the reflection of all the assignments and to put them on the blog, it is undeniable that I feel so pleased as I get to learn about the area in CALL, the existing subject that I have learned in previous semester which is MORPHOLOGY, I struggle and learn on how to use BLOG ( in all honesty, I have never had a blog before and now I become so skillful at it ), and altogether I get the chance to expose, to reflect my ideas about any of the subjects I am reflecting through the use of computers. I love this subject very much and I would want to congratulate myself and my group members for making all of these works possible. A special gratitude, thanks, goes out to Dr. Rozina for her kind commitment in assisting us throughout this semester. Thank you very much. It has been full of great moments in this class indeed, as we have received innumerable input, various knowledge and numerous advantages from different disciplines. All praises be to Allah S.W.T.


Praise to Allah, throughout this semester of taking the subject of Computer Application in Language Studies has introduced and presented us to the methods of teaching and learning English using applications in the computers. All over the semester, we were taught to use various possible approaches and procedures such as using corpus, software, concordancer, online journal, internet blogging and many others to assist us in finalizing our assignments and presentations. We are more conscious of the significance of computer applications in language learning and teaching in the sense that we found many applications that are helpful and useful for educational institution. We could say that the task given by Dr. Rozina is rather challenging for us to accomplish, however, we take it as a test in our life surely since it provide a lot of advantages for us in the present modern life and also in the future, obviously. Overall, we actually enjoy working together as a group where we learned the significance of teamwork, tolerance, and cooperation among group members, the four of us. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude and to thank our lecturer, Dr Rozina for her generous commitment and supervision in guiding us through the semester. Alhamdulillah and Thank You.

By Amiza 'Izzati Zulkefley

When the creation of this blog commences, I was overly confident in thinking that we would finish it in a blink of an eye, as I have owned several blogs before. What I did not know however, that this is the only blog (in my experience) that requires so much discussion with high-order thinking, in producing ideas of our own. To even create a post would require a lot of energy and time. But Alhamdulillah, Allah s.w.t. has granted me with three hard-working groupmates that are willing to go beyond to achieve the impossible.

Since we were given the task to reflect on the lessons and assignments that we received, weblog is a perfect platform to do so, as it gives us many space and medium to share. Even sharing our knowledge to others is a great lesson of its own. In reflecting our lessons, I realized that there is more room for me to improve myself. All it takes is perseverance and blessings from Allah s.w.t. I also discovered that negative thoughts and negative people will bring you down if you let them; therefore in order to achieve success, I must learn to ignore negativity around me and have faith in myself. 

I have learned a lot from this course throughout the semester; I learned that technology is a great tool to gain knowledge and if I used it wisely in pursuing the right path, I can succeed. InshaAllah.

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