Friday 9 May 2014

Morphology : Formation of new words

New words are regularly being formed through familiar word formation processes: below are a few examples of these processes, along with some words that result from their application.
An acronym is formed out of the first letter of each word of a phrase. 
Example of acronyms are : 
  • LOL — laugh out loud 
  • GTG - Got to go
  • BRB - Be right back
  • radar (RAdio DetectionAnd Ranging) 

blend combines two words to create a new word. 
Example of blends are: 
  • Smog: blend ofsmoke plus fog
  • Mockumentary:  combines mock and documentary
  • Jeggings: snug-fitting leggings that look like jeans

Clipping is the reduction of a word into one of its component parts. 
Example of clipping: 
  • app:clipped from application.

Compounding is the combining of two or more roots to make a new word, 
Example of compounding: 
  • birdhouse 
  • redneck 

Knowledge in morphology enables us to create new words! 

Source taken from here 

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