Friday 9 May 2014

Morphology: Drawing Morphology trees

Pictures taken from:

Watch this video to understand more on how to draw Morphology trees:


Morphology: About morphemes


Morphemes - the building blocks of morphology

There are two types of word. The first type is called simple words. Simple word don’t have an internal structure and only consist of one piece, like work. There is no way we can divide work (wo-rk?) into smaller parts that carry meaning or function. Complex words however, do have an internal structure and consist of two or more pieces. Consider worker, where the ending –er is added to the root work to make it into a noun meaning someone who works. These pieces are called morphemes (the smallest meaning-bearing units of language).
A simple word only consisting of one single morpheme is therefore a free morpheme, that is, it is a word itself. Examples are house, work, high, us and to. Morphemes that must be attached to another morpheme to receive meaning are bound morphemes. If we break the word unkindness into its three morphemes un-, kind and -ness, we get two examples of bound morphemes: un- and -ness, as they require the root kind to make up a word. 

These are also called affixes as they are attached to the stem. The affix un- that go to the front of a word is a prefix and -ness that goes to the end is a suffix.There are also infixes and circumfixes. However, these two types are not common in English language. 

Pictures taken from:

Morphology : Formation of new words

New words are regularly being formed through familiar word formation processes: below are a few examples of these processes, along with some words that result from their application.
An acronym is formed out of the first letter of each word of a phrase. 
Example of acronyms are : 
  • LOL — laugh out loud 
  • GTG - Got to go
  • BRB - Be right back
  • radar (RAdio DetectionAnd Ranging) 

blend combines two words to create a new word. 
Example of blends are: 
  • Smog: blend ofsmoke plus fog
  • Mockumentary:  combines mock and documentary
  • Jeggings: snug-fitting leggings that look like jeans

Clipping is the reduction of a word into one of its component parts. 
Example of clipping: 
  • app:clipped from application.

Compounding is the combining of two or more roots to make a new word, 
Example of compounding: 
  • birdhouse 
  • redneck 

Knowledge in morphology enables us to create new words! 

Source taken from here 

Sunday 4 May 2014



Saturday 3 May 2014



This blog had helped me in reflect on every chapter I've learned. Through reflection, I feel that it promotes the free flow of expressing oneself and understanding the true meaning of certain subjects. I certainly hope that this blog will help others too. Now, every chapter that we've learned is not a mere chapter but the significance of this subject could be applied to our life as a Muslims.

This blog also helped us in strengthening our group bond as after every chapter we will sit together and discuss on what we have understood and gained in that particular chapter. This blog has helped us in expressing opinions and it also help us in being patience as to reflect and ponder might take time and requires commitment from each and every members. This blogs also teaches us to work together efficiently as a group and not individually. I realised that this is the same setting that I'll face in my career phase, hence the experience of working in a group will help a lot in the future.

Not only that it helps me in improving myself, I am also inspired to help others after spending time in pouring all the information needed for a student to master morphology by using CALL. I believe that this blog can help students in understanding Morphology better by reading our research in corpus linguistic that touched on the usage of reductions. In fact, teachers can also benefited from this blog as we had posted lesson plan on how to teach speaking skills using CALL. 

Blog is all about sharing, and this blog had made me experience the true feeling of happiness in sharing our knowledge with others. This blog has helped us so much in understanding Morphology more. Not only that, our knowledge about Islam grows together as we were required to reflect on each assignment that we were given. I believe that students should use blog as a medium to grow together with friends with the same passion and interest they are in.

As a Muslim, this blog had made me realised that this is one of the medium where a person can became a dai'e and also a helper to others. Whenever knowledge is shared, all of us can improve together. I really hope that this blog will benefit a lot of other students and friends that had spent time reading it.

This also shows that we as Muslim can be a dynamic Muslim where we find new ways in doing da'wah and spreading goodness to others.


After the completion of this blog, indeed I would say I have learned so many things. They are inclined towards the matters that are related to time itself, you and your group members’ contributions and participations towards the works given, and the solutions on how to handle conflicts. As for the works assigned and by having the necessity to do the reflection on each lesson learned in class and the reflection of all the assignments and to put them on the blog, it is undeniable that I feel so pleased as I get to learn about the area in CALL, the existing subject that I have learned in previous semester which is MORPHOLOGY, I struggle and learn on how to use BLOG ( in all honesty, I have never had a blog before and now I become so skillful at it ), and altogether I get the chance to expose, to reflect my ideas about any of the subjects I am reflecting through the use of computers. I love this subject very much and I would want to congratulate myself and my group members for making all of these works possible. A special gratitude, thanks, goes out to Dr. Rozina for her kind commitment in assisting us throughout this semester. Thank you very much. It has been full of great moments in this class indeed, as we have received innumerable input, various knowledge and numerous advantages from different disciplines. All praises be to Allah S.W.T.


Praise to Allah, throughout this semester of taking the subject of Computer Application in Language Studies has introduced and presented us to the methods of teaching and learning English using applications in the computers. All over the semester, we were taught to use various possible approaches and procedures such as using corpus, software, concordancer, online journal, internet blogging and many others to assist us in finalizing our assignments and presentations. We are more conscious of the significance of computer applications in language learning and teaching in the sense that we found many applications that are helpful and useful for educational institution. We could say that the task given by Dr. Rozina is rather challenging for us to accomplish, however, we take it as a test in our life surely since it provide a lot of advantages for us in the present modern life and also in the future, obviously. Overall, we actually enjoy working together as a group where we learned the significance of teamwork, tolerance, and cooperation among group members, the four of us. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude and to thank our lecturer, Dr Rozina for her generous commitment and supervision in guiding us through the semester. Alhamdulillah and Thank You.

By Amiza 'Izzati Zulkefley

When the creation of this blog commences, I was overly confident in thinking that we would finish it in a blink of an eye, as I have owned several blogs before. What I did not know however, that this is the only blog (in my experience) that requires so much discussion with high-order thinking, in producing ideas of our own. To even create a post would require a lot of energy and time. But Alhamdulillah, Allah s.w.t. has granted me with three hard-working groupmates that are willing to go beyond to achieve the impossible.

Since we were given the task to reflect on the lessons and assignments that we received, weblog is a perfect platform to do so, as it gives us many space and medium to share. Even sharing our knowledge to others is a great lesson of its own. In reflecting our lessons, I realized that there is more room for me to improve myself. All it takes is perseverance and blessings from Allah s.w.t. I also discovered that negative thoughts and negative people will bring you down if you let them; therefore in order to achieve success, I must learn to ignore negativity around me and have faith in myself. 

I have learned a lot from this course throughout the semester; I learned that technology is a great tool to gain knowledge and if I used it wisely in pursuing the right path, I can succeed. InshaAllah.

Friday 2 May 2014



It has been almost 5 years since I have been in this university and I do realize now that I have gained a lot of inspiring Islamic information from the lectures I have attended to. I have learned many things here and those are things like; the sense of humanity, your relationship with the only one Creator, to have an absolute faith in the existence of Allah and the Day of Judgment, what you should do, what should you forbid as a Muslim and many more. Truth is, I gradually push, force myself to be a good Muslim because I am so aware that this life is just temporary and death may come upon you at any moment. No one knows when they are going to meet their Creator, and because I wish to be a better Muslima, I feel the necessity to improve myself (self-improvement) slowly starting from this moment, now on. This makes me feel special as I am surrounded by Allah’s mercy. On top of that, I feel the obligation to keep on researching more about Islam so that again, I can feel and get close to Allah S.W.T. Other than that, I often greet Muslim brothers or sisters with Salam instead of saying Hi like I used to say before, (due to the UIA environment where most people greet each other by giving Salam and subsequently I also get affected and thus, apply it in daily lives when meeting people). I become so used to utter Alhamdulillah at most times (also because of the awareness I have gotten from the surrounding), I become so sensitive about people, I can get pity towards anyone very easily, and without any hesitation I always feel the necessity to help others who are in need. I learn to be moderate in all dimensions of my life as well. Nevertheless, I know that I am not a perfect Muslim woman just yet, but I am sure that as time passes by, I am going to make sure everything is done in accordance to what is prescribed in the QURAN and SUNNAH, the main guidance, the way of life for mankind in leading a proper, God-pleasing life.
“And be moderate in your pace, and lower your voice; for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the braying of the ass.”  (31:19)
Abu Hurairah  narrated that When this verse was revealed, "Whoever does evil will be required for it" (4:123), and when this was conveyed to the Muslims they were greatly perturbed. Thereupon Allâh's Messenger r said: “Be moderate and stand firm in trouble that falls to the lot of a Muslim (as that) is an expiation for him; even stumbling on the path or the pricking of a thorn (are an expiation for him).”   (Muslim 6243)


Years in IIUM have taught me uncountable lessons about the reality of life. In my opinion, IIUM is somehow different from other universities as it holds the hope of Muslim everywhere around the world. After all, IIUM was one of a kind with a very general name of IIU. I myself once said that I’ll never enter UIA because I have absolute zero knowledge about Arabic. Being a student from a normal secondary school, not even a religious school, IIUM is not the first university to come up to my mind. I would even joke about entering IIUM. And yet here I am, preparing an assignment for my last semester. Only when I’m enrolled here I learn that English is used both as its medium of instruction and the language of its administration. Also, there is a lot of focus on the Islamic civilization and the Muslim Ummah in terms of syllabus in courses offered. It blends harmoniously modern and professional disciplines with traditional values and moral virtues. It’s a wonderful experience in the sense that it give me lots of memories, from good and bad, from friendship to relationship and also from nobody to somebody. I really enjoy my day life as IIUM student.


IIUM has given me a new perspective in life. Not only I learned a lot here, I also grow as a person. To be in such a beautiful environment where every step i take here is a step closer in knowing my Creator. IIUM is filled with religious talk and 'tazkirah' where I could feed my sinful soul. Boys and girls are not allowed to mingle freely without boundaries. Hence, IIUM environement make us girls feel safe, which is something I love.
              Here, I learned that every one is indeed under Allah's mercy and help. Sometimes, when I feel that life gets too overwhelming, I remembered how lucky I am to be here. Not many students had the chance to experience what I've experienced being an IIUM students. Here, every lesson is filled with Islamic perspective which allowes me to learn about Islam deeper and use it in my life. I've learned that the act of gaining knowledge is not only for this world, but to gain barakah in the here after. Studying here in IIUM push me to be a sincere student, where the knowledge I seek is not for the sake of grade only.

            I love seeing people from different country come together and be friends with one another. IIUM had given me the chance to know people from all around the world and broaden my horizon. I've also managed to get the chance in joining charity club here in IIUM and now I've became more grateful as there are many unfortunate people out there that needed our help. Hence, all the knowledge that I'd gained here will be one day be used in helping others InsyaAllah. I'm so grateful that Allah has made me the chosen one to be one of IIUM student. This is a responsibility that I'll not take lightly and will try to fulfill as much as I'm able to do so.

By Amiza 'Izzati Zulkefley

The end of my journey in IIUM is almost here, as this course (among others) walks me through to the graduation day. I have to admit that the things I have gone through since Day 1 until today, have taught me many things on life in general.

I learned that the challenges are mere tests from Allah s.w.t. to strengthen myself for the days to come. I also learned that people come and go-- specifically negative people-- while family, friends and God have my back all the time. I explored many things, from foreign foods to staying up all night finishing assignments. I ventured into things that I have never dreamed doing, and I do not regret a second of it.

In all honesty, I committed mistakes that I am not proud of. But through these things I discovered true friends, lessons that worth a lifetime and beautiful things about my Deen. I am grateful to Allah s.w.t. for the experiences and obstacles that He had put me through, and also for the Strength He had given and the people around me He had blessed me with. After all those things, I am always eager to learn and improve myself for the better; for Islam always encourages Muslims to strive for greatness until the last breath.

I will not forget everything IIUM has taught me, and will use the knowledge it had given me the opportunity to gain, in the next chapters in my life. I will continue to improve myself as a better Muslim and a better human for as long as it takes, for as long as Allah s.w.t. grants me the chance to.

Reflection on Research Proposal

For the third task, we have been assigned by Dr. Rozina to come out with a mini research proposal. This task is the last assignment for the semester, aside from the blog. We have been given the freedom to choose any topic as long as it is related to this course. Therefore, we chose the topic of Exploring CALL's Effectiveness On Reading Comprehension Among ESL Learners. 

While completing this assignment, we encountered several challenges. This is because as we do not have any knowledge on the chosen topic,  we need to find suitable articles and journals written on the same or similar topic as reference.This is quite difficult as not many scholars did research on the topic. After finding a similar one and we began writing, we struggled to figure out the methods that are suitable to this research. We were worried that the anticipated result might not be parallel to the purpose of the study. After many discussions, we came through and we managed to finish the research proposal on time.

After finishing the assignment, we realized that when working in a group, communication is crucial as group members could misunderstand each other without proper discussion. Honesty and respect are two significant elements that need to exist in a group in order to have desired result. When dealing with one another it is important to understand the other person's situation to avoid offense. Communication skills is important in the working world as we will work with other people whom we might not know that well, especially when writing a research proposal that requires spending time together in gathering information. 

Wednesday 30 April 2014


An Experimental Design on the Effectiveness of CALL in Reading Comprehension Skills among ESL Learners


The ability for human to adapt easily to different changes sometimes surprises them. They practically have evolved and sometimes revolutionized dramatically the way how they live. Knowledge is the key to all of this, with it; they can improvise what they had and understood and bring it to another level. Same goes to the current state of era of human world where in many parts of the world especially in the developed and developing countries where knowledge is put as one of the top priorities and with it they can improve themselves and outlast others. To achieve this, many countries have been looking the best way to improve their education level and at the current era of the information age and the computers, they have resorted to use such medium and its peripherals to be integrated in their daily lives.

The usage of such components and devices literally have changed the way how people look and lead their lives, up to the point where the computers and its devices have been normalized into their lives, such as in their communication, their works and even how they learn. The current era or the living state of human now is also the age of information, where knowledge is power, and people who have a high level of it would be deeply respected and  look up to. For that, this paper, would discuss, examine and evaluate how the computing technology and the growth of information age have revolutionized the way people learn language specifically its effectiveness in terms of reading skills among English as a Second Language Learners.

First and foremost, the attention should be focused on the effectiveness of CALL or Computer Applications for Language Learning. CALL is basically a discipline where a program or a piece of software that are being used to teach language. Levy (1997) defined CALL as:

“[…] as an approach to language teaching and learning in which the computer is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned, usually including a substantial interactive element”

He clearly defined the most fundamental understanding of CALL where it is being used as a technological tool that helps the teachers to teach and the learners to learn by using available technology at their hands to the best potential. Next is to investigate its effectiveness in helping students to achieve good reading mastery. According to Brown (2006), “reading comprehension is a highly interactive process that takes place between a reader and a text (p.3). The knowledge of levels of reading comprehension is those literal, influential and evaluative. To master these skills is a must to become a skillful reader. This is the effort of this study whereby it is to explore the effectiveness of CALL in general and also its efficacy on reading mastery among ESL learners.

Effective reading is vital for achievement in obtaining a second language. After all, reading is the base of teaching in all features of language learning: using textbooks for language courses, writing, revising, developing vocabulary, acquiring grammar, editing, and using computer-assisted language learning programs. One of the fundamental reasons is that reading develops the mind. Reading is also a method of discovering new things and adding value to our knowledge base. Apparently, to become good readers, learners need to read as much as possible. Numerous researches have proven that the more students read, the better their language ability. After all, practice makes perfect in almost everything we humans do and reading is no different. This is why we choose to specify the effort of this research on reading skill as we believe it provide enormous advantage to language learners in the sense that it is the center of language proficiency.

Purpose of Study

Computers in general serve as a tool that facilitates the language learning process. Hence, the purpose of this study in general aims to examine its effectiveness on reading comprehension among ESL learners. It will investigate the common errors ESL learners always commit when they start working on the reading comprehension exercise(s) and altogether investigate on how CALL can actually help to increase or contribute towards the development of their reading comprehension, compared when they learn it in the traditional classroom setting, (Teacher-Student Hands-On interaction).  Overall, this research intends to prove the positive scores from the ESL learners in CALL environment in regard to their great improvement in reading comprehension/skills when they learn the tutorials through the use of computers and its applications, software and when they answer the exercises given.

Significance of Study

The usage of such components and devices literally have changed the way how people look and lead their lives, up to the point where the computers and its devices have been normalized into their lives, such as in their communication, their works and even how they learn. The current era or the living state of human now is also the age of information, where knowledge is power, and people who have a high level of it would be deeply respected and  look up to. For that, this paper, tends to investigate how the computing technology and the growth of information age have revolutionized the way people learn language specifically its effectiveness on helping ESL learners to be proficient or skilled in the reading comprehension.

The significance of this research is to know what changes can be made in developing reading comprehension skills through the application of CALL. This study will change both the students’ and the teachers view and perspective on knowledge accessibility and benefits them in such a way that their world may not be restricted only to what is in front of them. The ESL learners will be able to increase their vocabulary, and any other sub skills or levels related to reading skills. This research can prove that multimedia does help in the education field better as CALL is one of most effective ways to assist learners in building their second language knowledge.

The details to why this study is significant can be elucidated from several aspects. This research might offer insights or benefits to teachers, trainers, lecturers or any authorities in any educational settings to greatly promote technology-rich environment or CALL environment as it offers the learners towards developing good language skills or ability in the area of not only reading skills but other skills as well like the speaking skills, writing skills, listening or grammar skills; language competency, vocabulary, verbal development. Research has proven that CALL receives positive effects from learners. This research will offer positive results from the ESL learners who learn in CALL environment where they will surely be intrigued with the presence of CALL itself and altogether leads to their good English attainment as compared to the conventional way of learning language. It is with no hesitation that CALL can and should be used extensively to endorse the development of language skills among second language learners and to highlight here is that, it should be an alternative to the conventional or traditional teacher/student interaction on improving learner performance on numerous topics. It is indeed to help the learners especially those slow learners to be illiterate is so much a high priority.

Statement of Problem

Ever since the arrival of communication and information technology, computer can be used as a tool or a medium that is so prominent in the learning and teaching pedagogy. Apparently, CALL offers bright prospect for learning language in terms of its feature and function. However, the frequency of usage of CALL is not parallel with the advancement of technology. Meaning to say that, most educational institution are equipped with latest technology and facility, yet, they still prefer traditional learning environment in conducting lessons. The numbers of studies that investigate its effectiveness remain to increase for the reason that CALL provides new opportunities in learning and also teaching efficiently, clearly. This is the tricky part here as the usage of CALL classroom both in learning and teaching is affected by the problem of attitude. For instance, students that have positive feelings about the use of CALL are expected to be more enthusiastic to learn the language and take the responsibility for their own learning thus increasing their capability of acquiring knowledge. However, this case is vice versa for students that views CALL negatively where they are likely to have less passion in the sense of learning language. Apart from that, teachers also play a vital role in the efficient application of CALL programs in language. There are teachers who feel less proficient in using CALL due to lack of familiarity and experience of CALL propagation which portrays bad remarks since teachers represent a model for their students. This study will attempt to discover the effectiveness of CALL on reading comprehension among English as a Second Language Learners.

Research Questions

The study attempts to answer the following questions:     
Research Question 1: What are the common errors ESL learners often commit in reading comprehension?
Research Question 2: How does CALL increase the effectiveness of reading comprehension compared to the traditional setting among ESL learners?

Literature Review

            According to (Bransford et al., 2000, Yelland, (2012) Computer Applications in Language Learning (CALL) offers numerous means of improving the process of teaching and learning in the classroom. The use of technology offers students towards developing good oral skills; good reading ability and it is easy to discover the basic language. CALL programs can provide a multisensory input and high-level task that provide stimuli for language learning. This is due to CALL nature that has various audio and visual materials. There are many software available in regard to the usage of computer assisted in language learning. In general, research syntheses found a positive association between software use and student achievement (e.g., Kulik & Kulik, 2012; Fletcher-Flinn & Gravatt, 2011; Ryan, 2012). Hence, CALL can provide new ways of teaching and learning by providing authentic tasks and materials. According to research, the nature of CALL that is full with lots of fun games and interactive activities reduced students stress level, enriched students classroom environment, as well as help students being motivated. As a result, CALL provide new alternatives in promoting language learning, reading especially. This is because CALL has infinite sources and materials to be used effectively (Bhatti, 2013).

            One of the most important skills in language learning is reading comprehension skills. However, it is one of the most serious problems in higher education (Charisma Dreyer & Charl Nel, 2003). According to Murphy (2013), the surface features of a text are an obvious place to look when considering text difficulty. In order to understand text difficulties, surface feature of the text need to be looked at. Surface features include elements such as vocabulary, word length, sentence length as well as grammatical complexity.  

            Bhatti (2013) stated that computers help students develop their reading skills in three ways: incidental reading, reading comprehension as well as in text manipulation. This process is where the learners read the text with the purpose of completing the activities successfully, answer traditional comprehension questions and study a text in terms of content and structure. Healey (1999) also agrees that computers may be beneficial in developing the reading skills such as skimming, scanning, recognizing details, main ideas, topic sentences, predicting what will come next. Moreover, word processing programs facilitate their writing as they automatically check the spelling, punctuation and sentence structure. Through various communicative and interactive activities, computer technology can help language learners strengthen their linguistic skills, affect their learning attitude, promote motivation, and build their self-instruction strategies and self-confidence.

            Another factor that helps in the mastery of reading skills is the enriched environment. Diamond and Hopson (1999), discuss how the cerebral cortex of the brain can grow when stimulated by an enriched environment. Hence, CALL provides an interactive environment and preventing the classroom to be boring. A non- stimulating classroom might affect the level of students reading mastery and the focus level of students in reading.

            However, according to Jarvis and Szymczyk (2010), the learners consider the traditional reading comprehension drills has been very time consuming, tiresome and boring. In addition students also find that the traditional method of language learning as being non- interactive (Kessler, 2007). Hence, the non-enriching environment presented by the traditional way of teaching reading will impedes students reading skills as well as their positive attitude about reading skills.

            This contrasted with the comment on CALL environment classroom where computer language learning projects engaged students with a number of interesting activities in enhancing reading skills (Yubune, Kanda & Tabuchi, 2007). Hence, the purpose of this study is to examine the efficacy of CALL in teaching reading skills.


Sample: Participants

The proposed total participants to engage in this study would be 60 higher secondary school students. The participants will include two groups of 15-17 years of age each group comprises 30 participants and vice versa. 30 students will be divided into experimental group where they will be learning reading through CALL and the other half of the students who will be included in the control group will be exposed to neither computers nor its software. All of these students will be considered to get ready and to participate in the learning environment in either CALL or non-CALL (traditional instructor-led class) setting. The subtests for reading are going to be totally similar for both groups and the lessons include reading comprehension and its sub skills, which are inference, vocabulary, global, detail.

Framework for Data Analysis

An experimental design will be proposed for this study. The frameworks in this study are the effectiveness of CALL on reading comprehension among ESL learners and  the errors ESL learners often commit while working on their reading comprehension activity and how does CALL increase the effectiveness of reading comprehension compared to the traditional setting among ESL learners effectiveness of learning reading skills through CALL instructional setting and the students’ attitudes towards the presence of CALL in ESL classroom. First, the pre and post tests will be used for making comparisons of students’ achievement in CALL and non-CALL settings. The scores for pre and post tests will be recorded as the difference of means and standard deviation using computer software.

Research Design/ Method of Data Collection

This research paper uses quantitative data. Data includes the frequency of errors in pre-test and post-test (Scores). The increment or the decrement in the scores will be collected and analyzed after both groups have completed their exercises in both experimental and control group. The pre-test and post-test will be developed at their level. There will be two passages altogether, one passage for pre-test and another passage for post-test. Four types of sub skills will be analyzed which are in terms of vocabulary, inference, details and global knowledge.


Participants will first be informed for the purpose of this study and will be given consent form. Those who are interested have to submit the consent form. At the initial stage or pre-test, all participants will be given equally challenging reading comprehension exercise. This is to measure their existing ability on the reading skills. The frequency of errors made will be recorded and tabulated. The next stage would be the learning process in which it is divided into CALL (experimental group) and non-CALL (control group) setting. The students will randomly be allocated to either experimental or control group by the head master. The experimental group will be exposed to computers, which include colorful pictures, sounds, graphs and other animations from various computer softwares, applications and websites. In contrast, the control group will go through the conventional way of learning process using textbook and comprehension drilling using only pen, paper and with no assistance from computer. The last stage will be the post- test. The second comprehension exercise will be distributed to both groups. The frequency of errors will be collected and analyzed. Both results will be compared to measure which is the most effective method or learning environment that leads to ESL learners reading achievement.

Anticipated Findings

            The results in this study will be expected to portray the differences between CALL and non-CALL learning settings and how CALL can actually contribute so much towards learners reading comprehension of texts. It is expected that the frequency of errors made at the initial stage (pre-test) would be high in number as compared to the last stage (post-test).  This is because, they only rely on to their existing knowledge while answering the exercise given. Some or perhaps majority of the learners will commit errors in deducing inference from the texts for instance, or their weaknesses in comprehending the high vocabulary used in the texts which altogether may impede their ability to understand what is said from the texts and to answer the questions given successfully. Hence, this research will provide the researcher with common errors the students will commit when they start working on the reading comprehension activity and their disability to answer the questions asked in relation to the reading sub skills which require them to make inference, to relate to their background knowledge about the texts and others.

 After their pre-test, when both experimental and control group receive the tutorials either with the assistance of computers and vice versa, it is expected again that the experimental group (CALL classroom environment) will show positive reactions towards the presence of CALL since to engage in that setting is indeed enjoyable, interesting with the presence of color, graphic, animation, video, sound which altogether helps them to improve their reading mastery.  The students in non-CALL setting perhaps will somehow show some kind of like negative reactions since the emphasis or the learning environment is only based on the textbooks and drillings exercises.

Again, after the tutorials have finished, it is presumed that the students in CALL learning setting will achieve constructive and positive effects on their reading comprehension that they have benefited so much from the computers software and its applications, and thus, simultaneously they can improve better and become skillful. When the last stage (post-test) is conducted on the participants in both experimental and control group where the teacher distributes the second different text to re-test these students, the researcher should be able to see the significant increment in scores or the improvement among learners in the experimental group on reading comprehension exercise and perhaps any decrement or no any increment of scores from the students in non-CALL setting. This aligns to the notion of CALL which provides the students with rich, numerous input and contextual environment that help them to be able to answer the questions based from the reading comprehension text successfully with fewer difficulties dissimilar from their first experience in answering the questions at the pre-test session which is based from their existing knowledge.

            The researcher might want to leisurely and carefully observe the overall participants reactions in CALL and non-CALL setting while they are receiving the tutorials and to make comparisons of students’ achievement in both groups and to draw conclusion that the participants in the experimental group indeed greatly attracts to the tutorials through the use of computers and simultaneously make progress so much in terms of their reading comprehension skills. Another reason to support this is that, in CALL setting, it is much easier for students to absorb information due to their attentiveness and charmed feeling for the lesson. The learning process will arouse their motivation and enthusiasm to grasp the learning process without difficulty. This idea is somehow similar to previous study which stated that ‘in general, research syntheses found a positive association between software use and student achievement (e.g., Kulik & Kulik, 2012; Fletcher-Flinn & Gravatt, 2011; Ryan, 2012). As a result, the frequency of errors made in the post-test from the experimental group will show a small number (thus, they might improve so much) than those participants who receive tutorials in non-CALL setting. The researcher wants to see the improvement of their reading mastery from four aspects like the vocabulary, inference, global and detail. The illustration of how the data to be recorded, tabulated and analyzed should be as follows:

Types of sub skills

Frequency of errors made







Table 1.Results of Reading Comprehension Efficiency

Based on the expected results of this study it should be well acclaimed that most of the involvement with CALL will bring numerous advantages and thus, idiosyncratic. Nevertheless its outcomes depend on various contextual and even particular factors. The function of traditional teaching method has never been irrelevant, or out of usage, but it doesn’t mean one can’t adopt different alternatives to reinforce the current state of teaching and learning which can improve students’ language skills. Plus, there is no harm in trying something new and if it actually helps to improve the reading comprehension or any other language skills and altogether making the whole teaching process much more easily, it would be a really good supplement to what are being taught to them. It is also significant to highlight that all these expected positive outcomes may always be achieved but provided the teachers themselves have the initiative to think or start off the tutorials with the assistance of computers instead of remaining to give lecture with the use of either whiteboard or blackboard and textbooks. Previous researches have proven a lot on the students’ positive attitudes towards the use of computers and they surely are going to improve so much if given the exposure to CALL instructional or non-instructional setting at most times. This is so much required to ensure their involvement and altogether their achievement for the lessons learned.

Nevertheless, this paper is abundantly based from the secondary data as a data collection. All the research information about CALL is mainly derived from the internet sources. Some articles, journals and web pages are directly downloaded from internet. So, researcher cannot really tell the level of accuracy of the information obtained. For more insights on this framework, it is thus obligatory for the researcher to conduct their own research to fulfill the data needed. This is the reason to why the researcher intends to propose this study to see the real scenario on the research proposed.  


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