Wednesday 30 April 2014


An Experimental Design on the Effectiveness of CALL in Reading Comprehension Skills among ESL Learners


The ability for human to adapt easily to different changes sometimes surprises them. They practically have evolved and sometimes revolutionized dramatically the way how they live. Knowledge is the key to all of this, with it; they can improvise what they had and understood and bring it to another level. Same goes to the current state of era of human world where in many parts of the world especially in the developed and developing countries where knowledge is put as one of the top priorities and with it they can improve themselves and outlast others. To achieve this, many countries have been looking the best way to improve their education level and at the current era of the information age and the computers, they have resorted to use such medium and its peripherals to be integrated in their daily lives.

The usage of such components and devices literally have changed the way how people look and lead their lives, up to the point where the computers and its devices have been normalized into their lives, such as in their communication, their works and even how they learn. The current era or the living state of human now is also the age of information, where knowledge is power, and people who have a high level of it would be deeply respected and  look up to. For that, this paper, would discuss, examine and evaluate how the computing technology and the growth of information age have revolutionized the way people learn language specifically its effectiveness in terms of reading skills among English as a Second Language Learners.

First and foremost, the attention should be focused on the effectiveness of CALL or Computer Applications for Language Learning. CALL is basically a discipline where a program or a piece of software that are being used to teach language. Levy (1997) defined CALL as:

“[…] as an approach to language teaching and learning in which the computer is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned, usually including a substantial interactive element”

He clearly defined the most fundamental understanding of CALL where it is being used as a technological tool that helps the teachers to teach and the learners to learn by using available technology at their hands to the best potential. Next is to investigate its effectiveness in helping students to achieve good reading mastery. According to Brown (2006), “reading comprehension is a highly interactive process that takes place between a reader and a text (p.3). The knowledge of levels of reading comprehension is those literal, influential and evaluative. To master these skills is a must to become a skillful reader. This is the effort of this study whereby it is to explore the effectiveness of CALL in general and also its efficacy on reading mastery among ESL learners.

Effective reading is vital for achievement in obtaining a second language. After all, reading is the base of teaching in all features of language learning: using textbooks for language courses, writing, revising, developing vocabulary, acquiring grammar, editing, and using computer-assisted language learning programs. One of the fundamental reasons is that reading develops the mind. Reading is also a method of discovering new things and adding value to our knowledge base. Apparently, to become good readers, learners need to read as much as possible. Numerous researches have proven that the more students read, the better their language ability. After all, practice makes perfect in almost everything we humans do and reading is no different. This is why we choose to specify the effort of this research on reading skill as we believe it provide enormous advantage to language learners in the sense that it is the center of language proficiency.

Purpose of Study

Computers in general serve as a tool that facilitates the language learning process. Hence, the purpose of this study in general aims to examine its effectiveness on reading comprehension among ESL learners. It will investigate the common errors ESL learners always commit when they start working on the reading comprehension exercise(s) and altogether investigate on how CALL can actually help to increase or contribute towards the development of their reading comprehension, compared when they learn it in the traditional classroom setting, (Teacher-Student Hands-On interaction).  Overall, this research intends to prove the positive scores from the ESL learners in CALL environment in regard to their great improvement in reading comprehension/skills when they learn the tutorials through the use of computers and its applications, software and when they answer the exercises given.

Significance of Study

The usage of such components and devices literally have changed the way how people look and lead their lives, up to the point where the computers and its devices have been normalized into their lives, such as in their communication, their works and even how they learn. The current era or the living state of human now is also the age of information, where knowledge is power, and people who have a high level of it would be deeply respected and  look up to. For that, this paper, tends to investigate how the computing technology and the growth of information age have revolutionized the way people learn language specifically its effectiveness on helping ESL learners to be proficient or skilled in the reading comprehension.

The significance of this research is to know what changes can be made in developing reading comprehension skills through the application of CALL. This study will change both the students’ and the teachers view and perspective on knowledge accessibility and benefits them in such a way that their world may not be restricted only to what is in front of them. The ESL learners will be able to increase their vocabulary, and any other sub skills or levels related to reading skills. This research can prove that multimedia does help in the education field better as CALL is one of most effective ways to assist learners in building their second language knowledge.

The details to why this study is significant can be elucidated from several aspects. This research might offer insights or benefits to teachers, trainers, lecturers or any authorities in any educational settings to greatly promote technology-rich environment or CALL environment as it offers the learners towards developing good language skills or ability in the area of not only reading skills but other skills as well like the speaking skills, writing skills, listening or grammar skills; language competency, vocabulary, verbal development. Research has proven that CALL receives positive effects from learners. This research will offer positive results from the ESL learners who learn in CALL environment where they will surely be intrigued with the presence of CALL itself and altogether leads to their good English attainment as compared to the conventional way of learning language. It is with no hesitation that CALL can and should be used extensively to endorse the development of language skills among second language learners and to highlight here is that, it should be an alternative to the conventional or traditional teacher/student interaction on improving learner performance on numerous topics. It is indeed to help the learners especially those slow learners to be illiterate is so much a high priority.

Statement of Problem

Ever since the arrival of communication and information technology, computer can be used as a tool or a medium that is so prominent in the learning and teaching pedagogy. Apparently, CALL offers bright prospect for learning language in terms of its feature and function. However, the frequency of usage of CALL is not parallel with the advancement of technology. Meaning to say that, most educational institution are equipped with latest technology and facility, yet, they still prefer traditional learning environment in conducting lessons. The numbers of studies that investigate its effectiveness remain to increase for the reason that CALL provides new opportunities in learning and also teaching efficiently, clearly. This is the tricky part here as the usage of CALL classroom both in learning and teaching is affected by the problem of attitude. For instance, students that have positive feelings about the use of CALL are expected to be more enthusiastic to learn the language and take the responsibility for their own learning thus increasing their capability of acquiring knowledge. However, this case is vice versa for students that views CALL negatively where they are likely to have less passion in the sense of learning language. Apart from that, teachers also play a vital role in the efficient application of CALL programs in language. There are teachers who feel less proficient in using CALL due to lack of familiarity and experience of CALL propagation which portrays bad remarks since teachers represent a model for their students. This study will attempt to discover the effectiveness of CALL on reading comprehension among English as a Second Language Learners.

Research Questions

The study attempts to answer the following questions:     
Research Question 1: What are the common errors ESL learners often commit in reading comprehension?
Research Question 2: How does CALL increase the effectiveness of reading comprehension compared to the traditional setting among ESL learners?

Literature Review

            According to (Bransford et al., 2000, Yelland, (2012) Computer Applications in Language Learning (CALL) offers numerous means of improving the process of teaching and learning in the classroom. The use of technology offers students towards developing good oral skills; good reading ability and it is easy to discover the basic language. CALL programs can provide a multisensory input and high-level task that provide stimuli for language learning. This is due to CALL nature that has various audio and visual materials. There are many software available in regard to the usage of computer assisted in language learning. In general, research syntheses found a positive association between software use and student achievement (e.g., Kulik & Kulik, 2012; Fletcher-Flinn & Gravatt, 2011; Ryan, 2012). Hence, CALL can provide new ways of teaching and learning by providing authentic tasks and materials. According to research, the nature of CALL that is full with lots of fun games and interactive activities reduced students stress level, enriched students classroom environment, as well as help students being motivated. As a result, CALL provide new alternatives in promoting language learning, reading especially. This is because CALL has infinite sources and materials to be used effectively (Bhatti, 2013).

            One of the most important skills in language learning is reading comprehension skills. However, it is one of the most serious problems in higher education (Charisma Dreyer & Charl Nel, 2003). According to Murphy (2013), the surface features of a text are an obvious place to look when considering text difficulty. In order to understand text difficulties, surface feature of the text need to be looked at. Surface features include elements such as vocabulary, word length, sentence length as well as grammatical complexity.  

            Bhatti (2013) stated that computers help students develop their reading skills in three ways: incidental reading, reading comprehension as well as in text manipulation. This process is where the learners read the text with the purpose of completing the activities successfully, answer traditional comprehension questions and study a text in terms of content and structure. Healey (1999) also agrees that computers may be beneficial in developing the reading skills such as skimming, scanning, recognizing details, main ideas, topic sentences, predicting what will come next. Moreover, word processing programs facilitate their writing as they automatically check the spelling, punctuation and sentence structure. Through various communicative and interactive activities, computer technology can help language learners strengthen their linguistic skills, affect their learning attitude, promote motivation, and build their self-instruction strategies and self-confidence.

            Another factor that helps in the mastery of reading skills is the enriched environment. Diamond and Hopson (1999), discuss how the cerebral cortex of the brain can grow when stimulated by an enriched environment. Hence, CALL provides an interactive environment and preventing the classroom to be boring. A non- stimulating classroom might affect the level of students reading mastery and the focus level of students in reading.

            However, according to Jarvis and Szymczyk (2010), the learners consider the traditional reading comprehension drills has been very time consuming, tiresome and boring. In addition students also find that the traditional method of language learning as being non- interactive (Kessler, 2007). Hence, the non-enriching environment presented by the traditional way of teaching reading will impedes students reading skills as well as their positive attitude about reading skills.

            This contrasted with the comment on CALL environment classroom where computer language learning projects engaged students with a number of interesting activities in enhancing reading skills (Yubune, Kanda & Tabuchi, 2007). Hence, the purpose of this study is to examine the efficacy of CALL in teaching reading skills.


Sample: Participants

The proposed total participants to engage in this study would be 60 higher secondary school students. The participants will include two groups of 15-17 years of age each group comprises 30 participants and vice versa. 30 students will be divided into experimental group where they will be learning reading through CALL and the other half of the students who will be included in the control group will be exposed to neither computers nor its software. All of these students will be considered to get ready and to participate in the learning environment in either CALL or non-CALL (traditional instructor-led class) setting. The subtests for reading are going to be totally similar for both groups and the lessons include reading comprehension and its sub skills, which are inference, vocabulary, global, detail.

Framework for Data Analysis

An experimental design will be proposed for this study. The frameworks in this study are the effectiveness of CALL on reading comprehension among ESL learners and  the errors ESL learners often commit while working on their reading comprehension activity and how does CALL increase the effectiveness of reading comprehension compared to the traditional setting among ESL learners effectiveness of learning reading skills through CALL instructional setting and the students’ attitudes towards the presence of CALL in ESL classroom. First, the pre and post tests will be used for making comparisons of students’ achievement in CALL and non-CALL settings. The scores for pre and post tests will be recorded as the difference of means and standard deviation using computer software.

Research Design/ Method of Data Collection

This research paper uses quantitative data. Data includes the frequency of errors in pre-test and post-test (Scores). The increment or the decrement in the scores will be collected and analyzed after both groups have completed their exercises in both experimental and control group. The pre-test and post-test will be developed at their level. There will be two passages altogether, one passage for pre-test and another passage for post-test. Four types of sub skills will be analyzed which are in terms of vocabulary, inference, details and global knowledge.


Participants will first be informed for the purpose of this study and will be given consent form. Those who are interested have to submit the consent form. At the initial stage or pre-test, all participants will be given equally challenging reading comprehension exercise. This is to measure their existing ability on the reading skills. The frequency of errors made will be recorded and tabulated. The next stage would be the learning process in which it is divided into CALL (experimental group) and non-CALL (control group) setting. The students will randomly be allocated to either experimental or control group by the head master. The experimental group will be exposed to computers, which include colorful pictures, sounds, graphs and other animations from various computer softwares, applications and websites. In contrast, the control group will go through the conventional way of learning process using textbook and comprehension drilling using only pen, paper and with no assistance from computer. The last stage will be the post- test. The second comprehension exercise will be distributed to both groups. The frequency of errors will be collected and analyzed. Both results will be compared to measure which is the most effective method or learning environment that leads to ESL learners reading achievement.

Anticipated Findings

            The results in this study will be expected to portray the differences between CALL and non-CALL learning settings and how CALL can actually contribute so much towards learners reading comprehension of texts. It is expected that the frequency of errors made at the initial stage (pre-test) would be high in number as compared to the last stage (post-test).  This is because, they only rely on to their existing knowledge while answering the exercise given. Some or perhaps majority of the learners will commit errors in deducing inference from the texts for instance, or their weaknesses in comprehending the high vocabulary used in the texts which altogether may impede their ability to understand what is said from the texts and to answer the questions given successfully. Hence, this research will provide the researcher with common errors the students will commit when they start working on the reading comprehension activity and their disability to answer the questions asked in relation to the reading sub skills which require them to make inference, to relate to their background knowledge about the texts and others.

 After their pre-test, when both experimental and control group receive the tutorials either with the assistance of computers and vice versa, it is expected again that the experimental group (CALL classroom environment) will show positive reactions towards the presence of CALL since to engage in that setting is indeed enjoyable, interesting with the presence of color, graphic, animation, video, sound which altogether helps them to improve their reading mastery.  The students in non-CALL setting perhaps will somehow show some kind of like negative reactions since the emphasis or the learning environment is only based on the textbooks and drillings exercises.

Again, after the tutorials have finished, it is presumed that the students in CALL learning setting will achieve constructive and positive effects on their reading comprehension that they have benefited so much from the computers software and its applications, and thus, simultaneously they can improve better and become skillful. When the last stage (post-test) is conducted on the participants in both experimental and control group where the teacher distributes the second different text to re-test these students, the researcher should be able to see the significant increment in scores or the improvement among learners in the experimental group on reading comprehension exercise and perhaps any decrement or no any increment of scores from the students in non-CALL setting. This aligns to the notion of CALL which provides the students with rich, numerous input and contextual environment that help them to be able to answer the questions based from the reading comprehension text successfully with fewer difficulties dissimilar from their first experience in answering the questions at the pre-test session which is based from their existing knowledge.

            The researcher might want to leisurely and carefully observe the overall participants reactions in CALL and non-CALL setting while they are receiving the tutorials and to make comparisons of students’ achievement in both groups and to draw conclusion that the participants in the experimental group indeed greatly attracts to the tutorials through the use of computers and simultaneously make progress so much in terms of their reading comprehension skills. Another reason to support this is that, in CALL setting, it is much easier for students to absorb information due to their attentiveness and charmed feeling for the lesson. The learning process will arouse their motivation and enthusiasm to grasp the learning process without difficulty. This idea is somehow similar to previous study which stated that ‘in general, research syntheses found a positive association between software use and student achievement (e.g., Kulik & Kulik, 2012; Fletcher-Flinn & Gravatt, 2011; Ryan, 2012). As a result, the frequency of errors made in the post-test from the experimental group will show a small number (thus, they might improve so much) than those participants who receive tutorials in non-CALL setting. The researcher wants to see the improvement of their reading mastery from four aspects like the vocabulary, inference, global and detail. The illustration of how the data to be recorded, tabulated and analyzed should be as follows:

Types of sub skills

Frequency of errors made







Table 1.Results of Reading Comprehension Efficiency

Based on the expected results of this study it should be well acclaimed that most of the involvement with CALL will bring numerous advantages and thus, idiosyncratic. Nevertheless its outcomes depend on various contextual and even particular factors. The function of traditional teaching method has never been irrelevant, or out of usage, but it doesn’t mean one can’t adopt different alternatives to reinforce the current state of teaching and learning which can improve students’ language skills. Plus, there is no harm in trying something new and if it actually helps to improve the reading comprehension or any other language skills and altogether making the whole teaching process much more easily, it would be a really good supplement to what are being taught to them. It is also significant to highlight that all these expected positive outcomes may always be achieved but provided the teachers themselves have the initiative to think or start off the tutorials with the assistance of computers instead of remaining to give lecture with the use of either whiteboard or blackboard and textbooks. Previous researches have proven a lot on the students’ positive attitudes towards the use of computers and they surely are going to improve so much if given the exposure to CALL instructional or non-instructional setting at most times. This is so much required to ensure their involvement and altogether their achievement for the lessons learned.

Nevertheless, this paper is abundantly based from the secondary data as a data collection. All the research information about CALL is mainly derived from the internet sources. Some articles, journals and web pages are directly downloaded from internet. So, researcher cannot really tell the level of accuracy of the information obtained. For more insights on this framework, it is thus obligatory for the researcher to conduct their own research to fulfill the data needed. This is the reason to why the researcher intends to propose this study to see the real scenario on the research proposed.  


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Sunday 27 April 2014

Reflection on CMC: Second Graded Assignment

Of Part 1;
While completing this part of assignment, we encountered a challenge in finding the perfect article that can be linked to our research. The topic that we chose was regarding CMC synchronous mode. At first we could not find any journal written on the topic starting from 2010, however after looking high and low, we finally found one. Written by Ekaterine Bakaradze, an associate professor in Black Sea University, she wrote about the language of the internet or better known as 'cyberspeak', how it is widely understood and used globally despite the language barrier. The findings that Bakaradze came up with were relatable to our own Malaysian culture, as we are exposed to the so-called 'cyberspeak'.
After reviewing the article, we were then asked to comment on it based on our research. To do so, we had to conduct our own research first, to prove that the culture of our young generation does relate to Bakaradze's target group (Georgian teenagers). It is interesting and humbling to know that even though we transcend over space and time, differences can seem so much simpler and less important in this high-tech world.

Of Part 2;
For the second part of this assignment, we decided to combine Bakaradze's article along with other articles that were written past 2010 for a more convincing literature review. It is stated that cyberspeak has blurred the lines between written and spoken words as it holds some features of both. These studies also agree that time and emotional expressions are the conceding factors in the wide usage of reduced words, abbreviations, smileys etc. We began to compartmentalize reduction words that are mostly used in synchronous mode of discourse and came up with four most common; Clipping, Blending, Initialism and Acronyms. This can clearly be seen in our chosen CMC synchronous mode, WhatsApp instant messenger. With these information in mind, we decided to sample out a conversation from a group of teenage girls as our main source of data. From there, we analyzed word-by-word, and categorized each of them according to their functions based on the context. As WhatsApp is one of the most informal and closest form to real-time personal conversation, the topics on the conversation did not specify to only one, rather the participants discussed from serious to informal insignificant topics. After obtaining 5 pages of corpus, we begin to decipher what each function means and the reasons behind the usage of the reduction words.
From the analysis, we find that most of the reduction words used in the WhatsApp conversation narrowed down to two major factors; emotional expression and time saving. Apparently, while in real-time discourse people only need 5 seconds to utter a short sentence, in online discourse they would need at least 15 seconds to type out the same sentence. Therefore the participants used globally-known shortened words to save time as to follow the real-time pace of a conversation, or else the momentum of the conversation would be lost or stuck. In relation to expression emotions, it is known that emotions and feelings are absent or difficult to be portrayed through sentences alone as in real-time conversation, thus the participants used smileys and certain symbols to replace the face expressions and body gestures to indicate their feelings.

From this assignment, we discovered that there is so much more to 'cyberspeak'  than just typed out sentences and systematic writing. We found that humans can put something that seem robotic and meaningless to its full (and most of the times BEYOND) potential. It is amazing to discover that Allah has created the human brain and watch how it helps build a better life and a better future. We hope that humankind will continue use Allah's gifts and blessings (brain and others) to improve and contribute more to the society, and be more blessed by Allah s.w.t.

Sunday 6 April 2014



·           Purpose of study
To investigate the usage of reduced forms of English words in WhatsApp (a synchronous medium of CMC) among young adults.

·         Research questions
A.    What are the common types of reductions used by the users of WhatsApp?
B.     What are the emotions attached on the usage of reduced words in WhatsApp?

·         Brief literature review
Before, the computer was created to aid in transferring data in the interest of America’s defense (Levy, 1984; Rheingold, 1993). Now it has rapidly evolved in becoming the most powerful tool in interpersonal communication. Along with that, the language used also branches out to help deliver the message better.
Several studies have been conducted in the matter of linguistics of electronic communication (Baron N. S., Computer mediated communication as a force in language change, 1984), 1998 (Baron N. S., Letters by phone or speech by other means: the linguistics of email, 1998), 2001 (Baron N. , 2001), 2010 (Baron N. , 2010), Davis and Brewer 1997 (Davis, 1997), Paolillo 2001 (Paolillo, 2001), Crystal 2001 (Crystal, 2001), Snyder 2007 (Snyder, 2007), Callahan and Herring 2012 (Callahan, 2012), 2008 (Barakadze, 2012). The studies suggest that online language is so developed that the line between writing and speaking has become blurry, and can be called “written speech”. Biber claims that ‘there is no single, absolute difference between speech and writing in English, rather there are several dimensions of variation, and particular types of speech and writing are more or less similar with respect to each dimension’ (Biber, 1997). Chumseng Yang supports this by saying that online discourse is made up in writing, therefore it can be seen that it ‘carries both features in writing and speaking’. This is to fill in the gaps in invisible participants and emotional expressions.
The topic on Computer Mediated Communication has always been a great interest from all over the world but it was only researched from 1991, when Kathleen Ferrara, Hans Brunner, and Greg Whitmore published a research "Interactive Written Discourse as an emergent genre" and made the language scholars take considerable attention to the use of CMD. Therefore the interest in the study spread out and expanded. In all of the studies above-mentioned, the most used methodology of research is sampling of data. Similarly, this paper also uses the same method as it is the easiest and most convenient way to collect data.
Accordingly, the purpose of the study is to investigate the continuous usage of reduction words (abbreviations and blending words) in synchronous mode of communication in, specifically WhatsApp messenger. This paper examines the linguistics features of text-based Computer Mediated Communication in young adults in Malaysia. This is the second and the latest study done on CMC in Malaysian environment. The first one is done by Zaemah Abdul Kadir titled Playfulness and Creativity: A Look at Language use Online in Malaysia (2012). In addition, this study is the first of its kind in looking into WhatsApp Messenger discourse.
A paper written by Ekaterine Bakaradze (2012) especially touches on the frequency of the usage of abbreviations and acronyms according to types of emotions. However, it does not focus on how emotional expression is one of the key factors in the use of shortened words etc. The main focus of this paper is to explore the causes of the usage of word reductions, other substitutes of non-verbal language ‘cyberspeak’ with new words, emoticons and smileys and their definitions according to specific contexts. Other than that, this study also examines the influence of real-life speech and environment on online language and vice versa.
In this study, it can be proven that there are two factors influencing the usage of abbreviations and blending words; time and emotion. The teenagers who participated in this study clearly show that the reduction of words is important in saving time in delivering message. This is an example of imitation of real-life situation, due to time always moving. Thus typing a long message using reduced words that can be spoken for 15 seconds saves time. Moreover, the use of smileys, emoticons and symbols is highly used in WhatsApp discourse to express emotions that are unavailable in written form. Bakaradze states ‘it was observed that a considerable number of abbreviations, special symbols and expressions are used in online chats to represent facial expressions, emotions, and feelings’. The use of smileys, emoticons and symbols is a true characteristic of online language having both features in written and spoken discourse. The most used is ‘haha’ which symbolizes happiness or joy, also sometimes used sarcastically or to fill in awkward conversations. In the paper Linguistics ruin? LOL!: Instant Messaging and Teen Language by Sali A. Tagliamonte and Derek Denis of Univeristy Toronto (2008), ‘haha’ has the frequency of usage as high as 16,183.
 Most of the studies focus on how language has been abused; innumerable articles in the popular press have targeted IM. They suggest that it is leading to a “breakdown in the English language,” “the bastardization of language” (O’Connor 2005), even “the linguistic ruin of [the] generation” (Axtman 2002). Nevertheless some claims that discourse on the Internet is a “new species of communication,” complete with its own lexicon, grammar, and rules (Crystal, 2001). Baron (2003) also states that online discourse is birthed from the “linguistics whatever-ism” other than the lax of attitude in grammar and spelling. These studies also agree that time and emotional expressions are the conceding factors in the wide usage of reduced words, abbreviations, smileys etc. Even in WhatsApp Messenger, the texter has the tendency to shorten words to write long messages in a short amount of time. Smileys and emoticons are used to indicate emotions and feeling, as they are unavailable in written form. Bakaradze explains that in Georgia, each SMS costs a price unlike in the United States of America. Therefore the texter has valid reasons to cut the message short to save cost, this can be compared to in Malaysia where each SMS has a price.

Shortening or reducing words is a new element in language as it assists in online discourse, specifically in synchronous mode. Forming new words and using symbols to indicate message is a very interesting language development. Though it may seem to tarnish the original form of language, it is enough reason to study the dynamic relationship between language and communication in WhatsApp Messenger among Malaysian teenagers.

1)      Sampling (source of data)
Since the approach of this study is to reach the young adult, so we requested assistance from a young adult of our acquaintance for her normal WhatsApp group conversation history to be made as the data for our assignment. To ensure the authenticity of this information, we asked for the recorded usual conversation of her and her friends in the past for certainty that they use the words in their daily life. The participants are known to be multilingual with English as their second language, and who prefer to speak colloquial English at most times.
Upon receiving the screenshots of their WhatsApp conversation, it is quite surprising that there are numerous forms of reduced words used by them and which are applicable to our project; act as the corpus. The information recorded from the data analysis offers quite a few numbers of studies in terms of the different types of reduced forms used, different form of expressions attached with the usage of those reductions and thus lead to the  hypothesis of the increment usage of abbreviation in synchronous communication and to be specific, WhatsApp.

2)      Instrument for analysis  (Framework: Reductions)
From the data obtained, first we highlighted all the reductions used by the participants in the WhatsApp conversation and classified the different types of these reduced words in a table form. Next was to create another table form as for the analysis of another part of study focusing on the expressions or emotions attached with the usage of these reductions. This recorded fact also works as evidence to why reduction words are so pervasive in this postmodern world of globalization era with the advancement of technology. Overall, the analysis presented here is based on the corpus involving three young adults who quite massively use reductions in WhatsApp (as a mode of CMC) when conversing with one another.
First of all, there is no hesitation to the massive usage of reductions by individuals in this current era through any kind of synchronous communication, for instance like instant messaging be that either through WhatsApp, Yahoo Messenger, Skype and the like (regardless of age). Reduction is generally the action of forming something into much smaller size, amount, degree and in this context, it refers to the reduced size of a word or particularly the shorten part or form of it.

WhatsApp, on the other hand (as classified under the synchronous mode of CMC which is also our choice of mode) is a category of instant messaging that can be installed on any smartphones and which is actually one of the favorite medium of communication of all ages (Baron, 2004). On top of that, it comprises innumerable functions despite its obvious role or ability to send text messages. Others would be that one can send images to another person, video, audio messages, songs and a lot more. As mentioned in class, this mode of CMC is instantaneous, real time and exchanges are speedy. Many people have this WhatsApp application on their mobile phone(s) that this kind of instant messaging makes their life much easier as it functions as an easy medium of communication.

The purpose of study for this research paper is to investigate or to examine the continuous usage of word reductions in WhatsApp among young adults. Since the branch of study we choose is Morphology, thus this is simultaneously the reason to why we study reductions as one of the branches exists under the subject of Morphology for this paper. It is significant to notice that reductions here can be classified into several smaller categories such as acronyms, initialism, blending words, contraction and the like. The meaning of all these smaller categories mentioned may be slightly different but they are just likely the same in terms of that they are all in form of reductions and which are used by countless people nowadays in informal context through synchronous communication.

It can be inferred that the emergence of internet definitely delivers human beings with vast advantage in all aspect of life. Computer-mediated communication is one type of benefit available by the internet as a form of communication, anytime and anywhere. Apparently, the usage of reduction words somehow applicable and relevant only in online communication as it is informal and absurd to be used in academic writing. Therefore, we recognize that the practice of using reduced words is in parallel with the expansion of technology. More and more people are exposed and beginning to adapt the form of abbreviation when connecting online where it is different before. Undoubtedly, the usages of reduction words are increasing rapidly over time.

Findings and Analysis
Based on the corpus gathered, it can clearly be seen that the three young adults involved chatting through the synchronous communication or text-based called WhatsApp, use different kind of reductions, at many occurrences. The uses of abbreviations, acronyms, blend words, contraction are obviously frequent in their conversation. Some of the examples are as follows:

The participants in the conversation are three young ladies and they go by the name Hana, Lisa and Mira. The topics of conversation are various and they are more like a free casual conversation between BFF or which stands for best friends forever for its actual term. BFF itself is an example of word reduction which belongs to the group of initialism. Initialisms are defined as very similar to acronyms in that they are made up of letters of some name or phrase, usually the first letter of each word as is common with acronyms like BFF as mentioned above.  The difference between an acronym and initialism is that the abbreviation formed with initialism is not pronounced as a word, rather you say the individual letters while acronyms is pronounced as the spelling indicates.  Other examples of initialism which are massively used in the conversation are TGIF which stands for Thank God it’s Friday (the name of a fine dine restaurant), LA (Los Angeles), OMG (Oh My God), JK (Just Kidding), ATM (at the moment), BBN (bye bye now), TTYL (talk to you later), FYI (for your information), TIA (thanks in advance), WDYT (what do you think), WUBU (what you been up to), IKR (I know right), MPH (mile per hour), TV (television).

Next is the use of acronym. For example, in the conversation note that the words ASAP, LOL, IKEA, MOTO are mentioned and they are composed of the initial letters or syllables of a compound term and which is pronounced as a single word. The actual compound term for above words are As Soon As Possible, Laugh Out Loud, Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd, and  Master of the Obvious where they are truncated as a single pronounceable word and thus is a form of word reduction.
The use of clipping or truncation is also normal that one may use it while chatting through WhatsApp.  Clipping is the reduction or abbreviation of a word into one of its component parts. In more technical term, it refers to the removal of some part of a longer word to shorter form but still, the meaning remains the same. Based on the corpus or data, the clipping words used include: DOC (doctor) where end of the word is truncated and which is also termed as back-clipping or apocope in Morphology. Next examples are as follows: FLU (short for influenza), a kind of clipping at both ends and which also known as fore and aft clipping
The subsequent usage of reduction is in the form of combined words namely blending and the concept is that it combines two existing words (that are created from non-morphemic parts of two already existing items) to create a new word, or take out parts of each joining the residues together to build a new word whose form and meaning are taken from the source words. The examples that can be found in the WhatsApp conversation is GINORMOUS (a blend of two words giant and enormous and which means extra-large), CHILLAX (chill and relax), FANTABULOUS (fantastic and fabulous), BRUNCH (breakfast and lunch), WIFI (wireless and fidelity), BLOG (web+log).  Another two reduced forms found in the corpus are contractions like; (would not to won’t) and common shortening used in online communication like; (tonight as 2nite, first as 1st) and many more. Many other examples are shown in the Appendix section attached at the end of this research paper.

Table 1.
Expressing happiness
lol (15), rofl (5), Leggo (2), OMG (1), jk (1), ikr (1), TIA (1)

Total : 26 (1.72%)
Expressing uncertainty
nvm (1), hmmm (3), idk (1), innit (1), wth (1)

Total : 7 (0.46%)
Expressing seriousness
ASAP (1), emo (1)

Total : 2 (0.133%)
Showing time
mornoon (2), yesternight (1), l8r (2), brunch (2), 2morrow (1), bbn (1), ttyl (1), atm (2) , 1st (1), omw (2), morns (1), 2nite (1).

Total: 17 (1.13%)
Expressing enquiry
WUBU (1), Wudcha (1), k (1), wanna (1).

Total : 4 (0.26%)
Expressing shock
OMG (2)

Total: 2 (0.19%)

Chillax (1)

Total :1 (0.06%)
Combining new concepts and creating new words.
Ginormous (1), Chillax (1), Fantabulous (1), Brunch (2), Wifi (1) , Blog (1)

Total: 7 (0.68%)
Total reduced words: 66
Total words: 1502
Percentage of reduced words: 4.4%

            Note that the existence of these reduced forms can bring many functions as well as shown in the table above. Based on the corpus gathered, it is actually that the highest frequency of reduced word usage is in expressing happiness. The reduced words are placed at the end of the sentence to show that they are pleased and found the other speaker humorous. Other than the speaker, the subject discussed about may also lead to the usage of reduction word that shows happiness.

            As for other emotions, the least number of reduced words can be seen in comforting, expressing seriousness and expressing shock. This shows that reduction helps a lot in conveying emotion between speakers. However, speakers tend to use reduction words in an informal and cheerful environment. Whenever, speakers are talking about something serious, the usage of reduction is understood as inappropriate between speakers. It may be because human perceive sadness and seriousness as something that is more suitable to be discuss formally and face-to-face communication. Hence, the low frequency of reduction words in those area.

            Another function of reduced word is indicating time. Speaker use reduced word to show time of the action being spoken quite a lot in the WhatsApp conversation above. It is the second highest frequency of reduced word. Since time is highly discussed in a conversation, reduced words tend to be more created around that area. Hence, reduced word showing time is pervasive in the WhatsApp conversation.

            From the WhatsApp conversation, it can also be seen that reduced word is creatively used in combining two concepts into one. The high frequency of blending words in the conversation indicates that reduced words save time and convey compact messages to the receiver. Clearly, in WhatsApp conversation, the pace between sending and receiving is fast and almost the pace of real face-to-face conversation. Hence, the usage of reduced words in WhatsApp act as a tool in making the communication runs smoother and faster.

·         Conclusion and Comment
Reduction words and its subtypes which are abbreviations, clippings, blends and others are ranging from mere initials, groups of letters, syllables and splinters to full (not infrequently even complex) words.  They are used as part of everyday language most particularly in informal conversation; to show emotions, save time, it can be nicknames, to make a branding name, private talk and so on. All in all, there is a big chance for the speakers of any languages to invent new words on the basis of existing ones, subtraction/truncation of materials. Words surely can be composed to smaller units from their original (long) form as portrayed or stated in previous descriptions of word reductions.  From trimming the long words into the smaller ones, or when words are reduced or shortened, it is not surprising thing to say that one may conserve his or her breath when speaking and space when writing and this statement is so much related to the frequent use of reductions on instant messaging among people of all ages, but of course the common group would be the young adults as they often known to be the ones who create new kind of invention or reduction.
All in all, there are many reduced form of words which are readily apparent, those of which may have been formed or existed long time before or the ones that have been created occasionally towards/in this current era. The kind of reduction phenomena are again; blends, abbreviations, clipping and the like. Another point is that when Varnhagen et al. (2009) who agreed with the notion that “written communication in instant messaging, text messaging, chat, and other forms of electronic communication appears to have generated a ‘‘new language’’ of abbreviations, acronyms, word combinations, and punctuation.”

Universally, it is a fact that majority of speakers (regardless to what language they use) tend to “trim”, reduce or abbreviate words in countless ways as to shorten (yet definite) the messages they deliver to people and they use it commonly through any kind of instant messaging, particularly synchronous communication since it does not require a formal kind of discourse. Furthermore, by having said that, it links to the notion that  speakers are directly or indirectly a creative person for creating many new words simply by just shorten the existing words into a new form of word with or without changing the original meaning. Again, it is indeed that the reduction of words are every so often been used in both informal, casual written and spoken contexts. As for in this case the creativity is often been used on messages or texts typed into cell phones in text-messaging, and  the WhatsApp application (a form of CMC) is set to be used as an example. It is hoped that this paper will be beneficial to all in later purposes. 


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Raw Data

Whatsapp group conversation between bestfriends.

Ssup guys! Mornoon! Watcha duin? Sorry for not joining Lina’s bday celebration the other day at d TGIF...
Ssup, mornoon, bday, d, TGIF.
Been missin ya guys tho..
Ya, tho.
Hey Mira! My bff! Lol!
Bff, Lol.
Oh bout that, nvm.. hmm.. idk wat im doin right now.. lol. Im decorating my living room atm! Planning to watch dvds or reading mags later on
Bout, nvm, idk, wat, doin, lol, atm, dvds, mags.
Brah! Lol imyt! M watching telly. Oh btw I hv sthg 2 tell u.. danny phone me yesternight and he asked me to tell u dis. He wanted u 2 ring him ASAP.
Brah, Imyt, telly, btw, hv, sthg, phone, 2, Yesternight, dis, ASAP.
Hey fellas! Long long time innit? Hmm.. oh izzit danny? Ok then, ill phone him l8er! Actly I just got back from LA. Visited my granny.  It was a very nice place to spend holidays indeed! Luv it! But its so cold there.. been having flu ever since I got there.
Innit, l8r, actly, LA, granny, Luv, flu.
 Aww pity u Mira.. go see the doc! Btw, wat did u get for us? Rofl.
Doc, btw, wat, rofl.
 I luv LA 2! Kinda like ginormous city innit?
LA, 2, kinda, ginormous, innit, fantabulous.
 Lol… I wont tell u guys now. But oh ya the price for jeggings is so cheap thr! Anyhow, meet me first k cuz I bought something for u fellas. Lets go somewhere fellas! We go chiilax a bit. What say u?
Lol, wont, jegging, thr, k, cuz, chillax.
Very fantabulous I tell u soo glamorous! Lol
U, lol.
Hana, yes it is indeed
Ok! Whr to?
Yea lets! Leggo to IKEA! Been craving 4 meatballs yeay! Meet at 12. We can hv brunch thr! This wont take long, but up 2 u guys 2 decide.
Leggo, IKEA, 4, hv, thr, wont, 2, u.
IKEA that is! When?? But I don’t wanna have brunch but lunch. Surely im going for breakfast before we meet later. So its no brunch. Lol
IKEA, don’t, brunch, lol.
 R u tryin 2 crack a joke thr? Well, of course u can hv ur breakfast 1st! No pressure hahaha.
R, u, tryin, 2, thr, hv, ur, 1st.
 Lol Lisa… I was just sayin haha. Wondered if u got up late and hv no time to eat breakfast. I noe u very well!
Lol, u, hv, noe.
Lmao I was kidding lah! Ok then, 2moro 11.30 a.m. Deal?
Lmao, 2moro, a.m.
Deal!! Brb u guys. I gtg. I wanna go to the gym! Right nw! I wanna stay healthy! Haha bbn!
Brb, gtg, gym, nw, bbn.
Tc Hana. Hav fun ya! Enjoy urself at d gym. B good! J
Tc, hav, urself, d, b.
ok surely will do! tysm for those words
 So Lisa….. r u bz as well? Lets chat! Im terribly bored. Lol
Bz, lol
Aha. Not rly fyi. Am not up 4 anything atm. Oh ya btw.. hv u heard of the F1 tourney in Sepang this weekend?
Rly, fyi, 4, atm, hv, u, F1, tourney.
 Yaa! I did hear that. I wanna go, but the entrance tix is quite xpensive.
 Tix, xpensive.
Again FYI,  my coussie just gave me 2 tix tbh!! He’s actly 1 of the event management team under Petronas. So.. hw cool is that?!
Fyi,  actly, coussie, 2, tix, tbh, hw.
OMG!! For real? Leggo !!
OMG, leggo.
Go wit u? no way bby! Lol!  It’s not fair u c. wat about Hana? She’ll be sad if she knows ths. Hehe.
Wit, u, bby, c, wat, she'll, ths.
Aww ok fine im emo rite now cuz u gimme hope.
Ok, emo, rite, cuz, u, gimme.
JK. We both know Hana hates like this racing racing thingy rite? So, leggo bby! Ha ha ha. Sorry Hana if u ever read this.
Jk, rite leggo, bby, u.
Haha mkay. Which day u wanna go? It will be held for 2 days if m not mistaken
Wanna, u, m.
Wdyt? This sat lah if possible! Guess m all free on that day. But, but, I’ll confirm wit u later k?
Wdyt, sat, m, I’ll, wit.
Yea sure, no probbie! That’d b great! Gonna be so much fun!
Probbie, that'd, b.
 Ikr. Btw WUBU?? Lets meet up now and have some drinks.
Ikr, btw, wubu.
Sounds great! Lets!
lol  pls come in 10 mins time at usual place. We eat d best tosay in town 1st rofl
lol, pls, mins, d, 1st, rofl.
hahaha okay will b thr and pls don’t b late. 10 mins and that’s it.
B, thr, pls.
Rofl m always on time rmbr? Imma punctual person cuz that’s my MOTO u c! Hahaha
Rofl, m, imma, cuz, moto, u, c.
 Not funny. Im omw edi.
Omw, edi.
Lol okay. I’ll be thr b4 u. imma drive 100 mph.
Lol, I’ll, thr, b4, u, imma, mph.
Lol whatevs. c ya
lol, whatevs, c, ya.
Guysss, u all at mamak now?
Yup! Wassup? Done workin out?
 M at the police station rite now taking my trainer for a report. Pity him.
M, rite.
Omg s’up? U ok?
Omg , s'up, u, ok.
M ok. Hes not ok.. Actly hes got carjacked in front of d gym jst nw.
M, ok, hes, actly, carjacked, d, gym, jst, nw.
Omg r u serious?? did anyone see the incident?
Omg, r, u.
They say the man looks quite like a hipster and he wears a hoodie.
Hipster, hoodie.
Cray people!
Dang! Nvm Hana.. Do wat u need to do 1st ok. Just ring us if u need help okay?!
Nvm, wat, 1st, u.
Ikr, yeah ill text u all in moment.
Ikr, ill, u.
Guys, my trainer's cryin. I dunno how to comfort him.
Cryin, dunno.
I'm kinda suck at dis actly sigh.
Kinda, dis, actly.
Ask him to chillax n bring him some drinks 2 calm him
Chillax, 2.
Ya..I woulda gone cray too if some1 carjacked me...
Some1, woulda, cray.
It mustav been really hard on him. hmmm... wadda pity.
Mustav, wadda.
Lemme talk 2 him a bit n fill u guys wit d details ltr
Lemme, 2,  ltr.
Aite Hana. Ping us ltr!
Aite, ltr.
 Ya. U chillax too okay, tell us if thrs anythin.
U, chillax, thrs, anythin.
Yoo Lisa, I dunno bout u but aftr hearin dat I thin we shuld get a good car lock.
Dunno, bout, u, aftr, hearin, dat, thin.
I betcha nobody wouldve want ur car! lolololol
Betcha, wouldve, lol.
Heyyy! It's a smart ride k! Waddaya mean by nobody wants it??
K, waddaya, mean.
I dunno how to respond to dat kuz ur car is old n fugly lmao.
Dunno, dat, kuz, ur, n, fugly, lmao.
Sorry but truth hurts rofl
Didya know I bought dat car wif my own money. Dats some'ing aite?
Didya, wif, dats, some'ing.
Jkjkjkjkjk. I was just messin wicca.
Jkjk, messin, wicca.
Y so serious lah? hahaha
My old car is my pride dude. lol
 Btw where I kno lotta shop selling car lock. wanna look at em wimme?
Btw, lotta, kno, wanna, wimme, em.
If u wan I can bring u!
U, wan.
 Just lemme know aite
Lemme, aite.
But u oughta bring lotta money wiccu .
U, oughta, lotta, wiccu.
Cuz I'm not buying u one. lol
Cuz, im, u, lol.
Lol! u mustav seen right through me
Lol, u, mustav.
K I'll bring lotsa money
K, I'll, lotsa
U still owe me a set of McDeluxe McD k!
U, Mcd, k
 Ive no idea dat u got such good memory lol.
Dat, u, lol.
No prob! I'm gonna buy u McD later dun worry.
Prob, gonna, Im, u, Mcd, dun.
 So when are we gonna buy this car lock?
Whacca thinkin? is tomorrow okay?  Right tmrw after we have meatballs together with hana as well. Ok isn’t it?
whacca, thinkin, tmrw, isn’t.
 I haftaa finish some work in d morns.
Hafta, d, morns.
Afternoon shuld be fine together with Hana! That’d be great!
Shuld, that’d.
Thanks! See u tmrw!
U, tmrw.
Okay tc!! Bbn
Tc, bbn.
Hey guys!!
Heyy, u ok Hana?
U, ok.
Am all good. Thnks. I just got home. Hey wachuduin?
Thnks, wachuduin.
Not much. Just updating my blog and perhaps trynna sleep in awhile
Blog, tryna.
Hello hello am watching this docudrama at NatGeo channel and its full of infotainment lol
Docudrama, Natgeo, infotainment, lol.
haha. Mira, doncha think its still too early to sleep?
Hana! Stop watching TV edy! haha
TV, edy.
Yea the night is still young hehe hey its my life okay
I can do wtv I wan to
Wtv, wan.
Lol u guys are so funny like a clown.
Lol, u.
 Wait I’ve got an idea.
Why don’t ya guys come and sleepover here at my place
Don't, ya.
U sure Hana?
Sounds great! Were goin out together tmrw afterall innit?
Goin, innit, we're, tmrw.
Yeah sure its gonna b fun its been forever hahaha
Its, b.
Hmm oklah! Im in! lol but only if Mira comes along.
Hmm, oklah, lol.
Haha sounds like a plan.
But wait, I need to send this important email first and ill b there asap.
Email, ill, b, asap.
Yay! Its fine take yo time don’t rush.
Yo, don't.
Haha.. Hana is it ok if I buy some food or snacks cuz am sure tonites gonna be a long nite!
Cuz, am, tonites, gonna, nite.
Hey no need! I’ve lotsa food here no worries hehe.
I’ve, lotsa.
 Lol okay then.
Rofl that’s great! My internet data very slow edy haha.
Rofl, that's, internet, edy.
Haha just come. Imma prepare errything!
Imma, errything.
Im omw d!!
Omw, d.
B thr in a moment!
B, thr.
Drive safe, c ya in a whileee. hehe
C, ya.

Analysed Data




HOODIE (hooded sweatshirt)
HIPSTER (a person who hip)
Table 1.
Expressing happiness
lol (15), rofl (5), Leggo (2), OMG (1), jk (1), ikr (1), TIA (1)

Total : 26 (1.72%)
Expressing uncertainty
nvm (1), hmmm (3), idk (1), innit (1), wth (1)

Total : 7 (0.46%)
Expressing seriousness
ASAP (1), emo (1)

Total : 2 (0.133%)
Showing time
mornoon (2), yesternight (1), l8r (2), brunch (2), 2morrow (1), bbn (1), ttyl (1), atm (2) , 1st (1), omw (2), morns (1), 2nite (1).

Total: 17 (1.13%)
Expressing enquiry
WUBU (1), Wudcha (1), k (1), wanna (1).

Total : 4 (0.26%)
Expressing shock
OMG (2)

Total: 2 (0.19%)

Chillax (1)

Total :1 (0.06%)
Combining new concepts and creating new words.
Ginormous (1), Chillax (1), Fantabulous (1), Brunch (2), Wifi (1) , Blog (1)

Total: 7 (0.68%)
Total reduced words: 66
Total words: 1502
Percentage of reduced words: 4.4%