Tuesday 25 March 2014

WEEK 3: Reflection on CALL in language skills (LSRWG) and E-Portfolio

Reflection on CALL in LSRWG:

Alhamdulillah, it is no doubt that we have gained innumerable information on CALL in each of the language skills which are LSRWG (listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar). Each of these skills is really important that one has to become proficient in. Overall, we are very much aware now that the use of technology in the process of learning and teaching has been increasingly significant. Teachers can actually think of many software to use as to intrigue, fascinate students to participate in CALL classroom. Most of the computer aided teaching and learning definitely will bring good paybacks, advantages to both parties (teachers and students) but of course most importantly to the students themselves. Instead of going through the process of learning with the assistance of the software or other significant teaching aids, they also will be having pleasurable times with their classmates in the conducive environment which will captivate them to actively participate in the class. On top of that, most of the CALL activities in any of the skills mentioned also will help students to learn on how to engage in the collaborative learning which of course, is a great idea in the process of learning. Thus, it is crystal clear that the use of technology is very important in the process of learning and teaching as it provides massive benefits, positive impacts to the students and a teacher will surely be able to achieve his or her learning outcomes, in sha Allah. 



Reflection on E-Portfolio

University students are the cream of the country. Every single aspect should be taken in order to create a great legacy in history for future pride. This is because we use past memories to build the future legacy. In this current era, university student is the strength of the country. Without them, a country will not have bright future. Postmodern world of technological advancement offers a new form of education for students with the emergence of internet. Apparently, there are numerous means in which students can acquire knowledge simply at the tip of their finger. These includes an electronic portfolio.

What is an electronic portfolio or simply e-portfolio? We are informed that an e-portfolio as a collection of a student's work in electronic format of what and how student learns comprising with the description of learning process over a period of time. This e-portfolio can hold a great deal of information and benefits student in many ways where it uses little physical space as compared to normal portfolios which are occasionally too large to be kept in folder or binder. Apart from that, student’s work sample can be scanned, saved, and available to anyone where students could collaborate and share their works with other students which provides greater accessibility. By having said this, each one of us, being a student also has benefited so much from the existence of e-portfolio and have been using it ever since it is first introduced. Our previous teacher also encouraged us to use e-portfolio instead of using the conventional way of putting up all information in one place or what they call it as scrapbook. It is much more better this way; to use e-portfolio.
We know that Islam does not oppose any modern inventions that are beneficial to mankind.  It is necessary that they be used in the name of God and for His cause.  In reality, machines, instruments and devices have no creed where they can be used for either good or bad purposes. Even something as simple as a glass can be filled either with a drink or with a poison.  The same case with technology.  It is up to the user to decide, and a Muslim is ordered to make virtuous habit of the entire means while being forbidden from producing destruction to himself or others.  In all, we should use the Quran as reference for it is true guidance for all mankind.

"Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day are signs for those of understanding." [3:190]

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