Sunday 30 March 2014

GRADED ASSIGNMENT 1: CALL Lesson Plan for Speaking Skill :)

Theme of lesson: Challenges in Growing Up

Language skill: Speaking

Sub skills: Listening, Writing
Date: 5th March 2014

Time: 10 a.m. – 11.20 a.m.

Duration/Time: 2 periods (80 minutes)

Level of students: Polytechnic students (rural area)

Level of language: Intermediate

Number of students: 40 students

General objectives:
·        To improve students fluency in English language.
·        To build students confidence in using English.
·        To encourage students in thinking critically using English.

·         Being true to one’s self.
·         Overcoming obstacles.
·         Never give up.
·         Teamwork and cooperation.
·         Time management.

Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson,
·        Students should be able to pronounce words correctly.
·        Students should be able to speak proficiently in English with less hesitant.
·        Students should be able to critically analyse issues in English.

Teaching aids (software or language sites):
·     Windows Media Player (video downloaded from YouTube): Poem recitation ‘If’ by Rudyard Kipling.
·    Dragon Naturally Speaking: speech recognition and synthesizer software :
· Student interactive: Persuasion map:
·   Computers
·   LCD player.
Teaching Aids/
Teacher’s Role
5 minutes

1. Teacher briefs the students by introducing the theme about the subject and activities that they are going to do for today’s lesson.

2. Teacher clarifies about the objective of today’s lesson and recalls some knowledge of previous classes that will be beneficial to be practiced in today’s lesson.

1 minute

2 minutes

3 minutes

Watch video
Video of poem recitation ‘If’ by Rudyard Kipling.
1. Teacher then distributes the printed version of the poem's lyric to each and every student.

2. Teacher briefs the students generally on what the video is all about and asks the students to focus on the issues, values discussed in the poem.

3. Teacher plays the recitation video to the students.

2 minutes

7 minutes

3 minutes
(Activity 1)

Dragon Naturally Speaking

1. Teacher demonstrates step by step on how to use the pronunciation software that has already been installed on every computer in the class.
2. Now, the teacher instructs each student to recite the poem to the software on their own.
The software will give an instant feedback.

3. At the end, teacher randomly chooses two to three samples of poem recitation from selected students as to show the errors made.

1 minute

1 minute

10 minutes
Group discussion

Students interactive: Persuasion map
1. Teacher requests the students to create 8 groups consisting of 5 students each.
2. Each group needs to open a webpage as a medium to exemplify their ideas at the given link:

3. This webpage offers a persuasion map where students can discuss, disseminate and explicate their ideas in groups by analyzing critically on the poem.

4. Along the way, teacher clarifies that students are able to use computers prepared in classroom to find information.

5. Teacher monitors the discussion to ensure both introvert and extrovert learners contribute by providing ideas.

6. Teacher randomly selects a representative from each group to present their ideas in front of the class so that each and every student will be ready.

42 minutes

Mini presentation and open discussion
(Activity 2)

1. Each group presents their ideas in front of the class not more than 5 minutes with the help of the persuasion map software.

2. Other students need to actively participate in the discussion should there be any confusion by asking question for clarification.

3 minutes

1. Teacher explains clearly about today’s activities and reflects by asking them what they have learned from the whole lesson.

·         Dragon Naturally Speaking: speech recognition and synthesizer software – Evaluate student’s pronunciation.
·         Mini presentation – Examine issues discussed are relevant to the poem.
·         Participation – Observe student’s involvement and contribution to the discussion.


1) Allocation of time: Time may be one of the teacher's barriers to conduct a better lesson, it may not be enough for each session as some students may need more time to adapt and adjust to the activities.

2) Accessibility: Some of the computer softwares may require high-speed internet access or a certain type of payment in order to be used. If the software was meant to be used for only a session, full payment might be a waste. 

Selected Poem: 

If by Rudyard Kipling
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

Tuesday 25 March 2014

WEEK 3: Reflection on CALL in language skills (LSRWG) and E-Portfolio

Reflection on CALL in LSRWG:

Alhamdulillah, it is no doubt that we have gained innumerable information on CALL in each of the language skills which are LSRWG (listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar). Each of these skills is really important that one has to become proficient in. Overall, we are very much aware now that the use of technology in the process of learning and teaching has been increasingly significant. Teachers can actually think of many software to use as to intrigue, fascinate students to participate in CALL classroom. Most of the computer aided teaching and learning definitely will bring good paybacks, advantages to both parties (teachers and students) but of course most importantly to the students themselves. Instead of going through the process of learning with the assistance of the software or other significant teaching aids, they also will be having pleasurable times with their classmates in the conducive environment which will captivate them to actively participate in the class. On top of that, most of the CALL activities in any of the skills mentioned also will help students to learn on how to engage in the collaborative learning which of course, is a great idea in the process of learning. Thus, it is crystal clear that the use of technology is very important in the process of learning and teaching as it provides massive benefits, positive impacts to the students and a teacher will surely be able to achieve his or her learning outcomes, in sha Allah. 



Reflection on E-Portfolio

University students are the cream of the country. Every single aspect should be taken in order to create a great legacy in history for future pride. This is because we use past memories to build the future legacy. In this current era, university student is the strength of the country. Without them, a country will not have bright future. Postmodern world of technological advancement offers a new form of education for students with the emergence of internet. Apparently, there are numerous means in which students can acquire knowledge simply at the tip of their finger. These includes an electronic portfolio.

What is an electronic portfolio or simply e-portfolio? We are informed that an e-portfolio as a collection of a student's work in electronic format of what and how student learns comprising with the description of learning process over a period of time. This e-portfolio can hold a great deal of information and benefits student in many ways where it uses little physical space as compared to normal portfolios which are occasionally too large to be kept in folder or binder. Apart from that, student’s work sample can be scanned, saved, and available to anyone where students could collaborate and share their works with other students which provides greater accessibility. By having said this, each one of us, being a student also has benefited so much from the existence of e-portfolio and have been using it ever since it is first introduced. Our previous teacher also encouraged us to use e-portfolio instead of using the conventional way of putting up all information in one place or what they call it as scrapbook. It is much more better this way; to use e-portfolio.
We know that Islam does not oppose any modern inventions that are beneficial to mankind.  It is necessary that they be used in the name of God and for His cause.  In reality, machines, instruments and devices have no creed where they can be used for either good or bad purposes. Even something as simple as a glass can be filled either with a drink or with a poison.  The same case with technology.  It is up to the user to decide, and a Muslim is ordered to make virtuous habit of the entire means while being forbidden from producing destruction to himself or others.  In all, we should use the Quran as reference for it is true guidance for all mankind.

"Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day are signs for those of understanding." [3:190]

WEEK 2: Reflection on the History of CALL


1.   Reflect on your experience in the BENL courses that you’ve  taken.

BENL courses have helped us in implanting monumental knowledge and now we are greatly exposed to different areas or sub skills related to English language. Since we are majoring in Linguistics, we are taught on different subjects and some of them which are as follows: 1) Varieties of English, 2) Pragmatics, 3) Discourse Analysis, 4) Critical Discourse Analysis, 5) Psycholinguistics, 6) Morphology (many other more) and not to forget the most important part of all, the subject called Grammatical Analysis under the tutelage of Dr. Rozina. No exclusion on any subjects, we would say that every and each discipline is definitely interesting and has its own pros, benefits to us, the learners ourselves. We are very much grateful to specialize in English language in spite of this language itself as an international language, is so remarkable and significant. 

One more thing is that, BENL courses are not as easy as the outsiders would think of. They can be very challenging and stressful sometimes. They require a lot of critical thinking skills (of course, other skills are necessary and vital as well), some would require creativity and the like. Nevertheless, it has been a great great journey of going through the process of learning all the subjects. We love all the BENL courses and hoping to disseminate the same information we have grasped/learn to the younger generation one day. In sha Allah.

2.  Think of  the assignments which required you to apply the computer  to assist in their completion

In Phonetics and Phonology class, we were asked to to a research that requires us to transcribe conversation between two Malay English Learner and compare them with the transcription of a native speaker. The transcription is done through an English Phonetic Transcription website.
 Then, to complete the research we need to search for journals which could be obtained from the website.


Another assignment that require us to use computer in assisting our assignment is Critical Discourse Analysis. Upon completing the assignment, we need to download Youtube videos of politicians discourses in order to analyse them. 


3.  Relate the  applications to the 3 stages of CALL & name the key concepts associated to the assignments.

In both of the assignment, Integrative CALL is used. It is because, the students and technology work together in solving the research problem. The websites provide information and it is also the medium to complete the assignments.

WEEK 1: Reflection on the overview of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

Source from:

Through this first chapter, we acquire new ways of teaching and learning English. In fact, by using CALL the process of teaching and learning had become faster and easier. This chapter had exposed us on different applications and websites that can be used in language learning. Some of the websites are really helpful and interactive which intrigue and help us in understanding clearly on how CALL can actually and had been a great help in improving language learning.

            This made us realized that through out our years in IIUM, we actually depend a lot on CALL in finishing our assignments. We actually managed to expand our knowledge with resources from all over the world by using computer. Hence, this opportunity must not be taken lightly. As with all this accommodation in acquiring knowledge, we must actually use it for the benefits of our ummah and ourselves. This chapter made us realized that CALL is actually a great help in improving our language if it is used correctly.

            Before being exposed to this chapter, we might have been exposed to computers. However, CALL gave us a fresh perspective on helping us improving our language by using computer in the most effective ways. We have been bombarded with a lot of wonderful and interactive websites that could actually improve our interest in language and help us practice language the right way.

            Another wonderful knowledge that we've gained through this first chapter is how to use CALL in educating others. Being a BENL student, it is actually our biggest responsibility to educate others in improving and mastering their English. The traditional way might have become less efficient as the students are embarking a new era. The era of technology. Hence, it is our responsibilities to guide them in learning language by using the right websites and applications.
            Not only that, as a Muslim, this is our chance to inculcate and add Islamic values in our CALL lessons. By doing so, we are actually utilizing the computer to its whole potential and shaping our future generations through a new medium of teaching.  We might have been gifted with a tool in language learning, however language also shaped our behavior and our cognition. Hence, it is important for us to understand this major responsibility and use this medium the right way.
            In short, it is amazing how the first lesson had opened our mind and broadened our perspective about life and made us realized how helpful and effective a computer can be in improving our language and values as well as educating others. 

May all of us benefited from today's lesson.
Date: 5th February 2014
Day: Wednesday



SEMESTER 2, 2013/2014

Nursyahirah Saiful Maznan
 December 15, 1990
 Interests: Socialising with family, decorating my room on a weekly basis
{Be truthful to yourself and never neglect your parents}

Akmyr Syahar Azwar b. Abd. Kadir
October 10, 1990
Interest: Fishing
{Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way}

Sharifah Shakinah Binti Syed Azman
 January 25, 1991
Interest: Reading
{ I hope one day I could contribute to my parents and the society }

Amiza 'Izzati binti Zulkefley
November 7, 1991
Interest: Cats and Theater



The theme of this blog is 'Teaching and Learning of Morphology'. So the following is a bit summary about Morphology. As known (specifically by the English language majors/experts), this branch of linguistics deals with the formation of words in a language. In this field, we identify, analyse and describe the smallest unit in a language called morphemes. Besides that, other linguistic units such as the root words, affixes, part of speech, stresses as well as intonation are also studied in this field.

Morphology is definitely the foundation knowledge of English language and to master a language in the first place is to know the basic principle and rules of that language. Thus, morphology is the target area which helps the learners about the English language rules. The knowledge of morphology helps people to greatly expand their vocabulary and yes,  English language has been expanding so much (in terms of word production; neologism and other skills) in many different ways.

Actually the reason to why we choose Morphology is because; all the members in our group share the same passion in Morphology and we want this passion to bring us back to our Creator by understanding the intricacy of this subject. Since we love Morphology, it would give us great pleasure in sharing new and exciting ways in teaching and learning Morphology. In fact, we feel really excited to share and reflect whatever we had learnt throughout these fourteen weeks of class. May this blog bring benefits to all especially to ourselves. In sha Allah.